Thursday, August 6, 2009

Get comfy...

Sit back and kick up your feet 'cause this one's gonna be a long one.

We finally took the boys camping last weekend. I was a little skeptical that it would actually happen after our failed attempt last August.

We had loaded up the van with ALL the gear (it takes a lot more stuff than one might think to rough it with toddlers!) and headed for the hills, only to find after a couple hours of driving on trecherous roads, that every camping site in the state of Utah was occupied with people who were going to have a better weekend than us! It was hard to try to explain to 2 little boys, covered in bug spray and tightly gripping thier Lightning Mcqueen fishing poles, that the trip was a no-go (tears were wasn't pretty). But this time, dispite the fact that we didn't think ahead enough to reserve a spot, we found one. The boys were practically shaking with anticipation... guess who was the most excited... While Drew and I set up camp the boys wrestled and did what boys do really dirty.
Once we were settled and our bellies were filled with bagels we set out on a nature walk. All through the trees were hidden these nasty little weeds...
I called the crew close and showed them the dangerous little needles. Daniel walked on completely oblivious, Michael tip-toed around each plant like it was an explosive, and Zach predictably had to touch every spike to make sure it was sharp! "Ouch, Mommy, that one REALLY hurt!" I heard that line like 20 times on our walk!
They were nice enough to pose for me a couple of times before we made it back to camp.

I won't lie, I'm not a very skilled outdoorsman. I grew up camping with my family, and there were plenty of Girl's camp experiences, but unfortunately, I gleened very little information out of all of that. We can all thank YouTube that I was able to start a fire that evening! Smores were a big hit (try them with Reeses Peanutbutter Cups, YUM!)

A couple of things we learned out in the "wilderness"
Boys will use the scary outhouse-style bathroom over and over if it means they can wash thier hands here:
Don't bring shoes with laces for boys who don't yet know how to tie them! Poor Drew, he was on his knees all day doing this:
Boys are like moths when it comes to fire.

Again, We can thank cyber-space for this next one... Muffins in the fire. We scooped all the guts out of 6 oranges, filled them full of muffin mix, wrapped them in tin-foil, "baked" for 10-15 min...
and we had orange-blueberry muffins. They were actually really good! It looks like it didn't cook all the way, but that is because the tin-foil pulled the top off all our muffins. Next time I will bring along some cooking spray.
Daniel spent most of his time digging in the dirt...notice the hands!
Luckily we camped near a creek, so we could wash some of the grime off. We didn't pack swimming suits, but a quick run to the nearest WalMart supplied us with some oversized clearance shorts...hee hee...
sidenote...did you see the cup in Zach's hand...what could be in there? Water? hot chocolate?

He was in heaven with his nose to the ground all weekend.

Anyway, back to the creek...

Everyone had a good time. We came home tired, sunburned, and happy!

1 comment:

Grandmajan said...

So glad you kept look for a good camp location. There may have been other Primo locations, buth this one provided lots of smiles and adventures.