Monday, October 27, 2008

Doesn't it always seem like the weekend is the craziest part of the week? Well this last one was no exception. Saturday was the day of the big primary activity to gear up for the even bigger primary program in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. The kids did a dry run through while leaders and teachers twitched nervously in the background! I took Michael, armed with his talk about how he wants to be like Nephi, and Drew took the other boys to the park, armed with the camera. Fun was had by all. Don't they look like they like each other?

Zach is starting to get tired of all the pictures and wants to play hide-and-seek, but he is trying to be a good sport!

"Can we go play now?"

Okay I think picture time is over!

1 comment:

Grandmajan said...

I love your blog. I laughed and laughed at your adventure in parenting. Jan