Monday, June 8, 2009

The Ants Go Marching...

With 3 tornados and one mess-maker in training, you can imagine the disaster zone that awaits me after every meal. There is enough food on the floor to make me wonder if anything actually lands in the mouth. Seriously, the pile I sweep up 2-3 times a day would feed an ARMY...of ants! Yes, we have a slight ant problem. I am constantly whipping out the RAID and sweeping up thier tiny carcasses. So gross! Both my neighbors have complained about these little terrors, so I'm not blaming this problem on my horrible housekeeping abilities. I hate coming down the stairs in the morning to find some crumb my broom let escape the night before, half devoured and crawling with ants. The boys, however, are not as horrified with our little houseguests.... whenever the house gets quiet and the boys have disapeared, I know right where to look. They love to lay on the kitchen floor and "play" with the ants. They give them names and crush up bits of cereal to feed them. I try to tell them how gross ants are, but they don't believe me. Even though this is REALLY embarassing, I think it's kind of funny too, so just visualize me blushing as you scroll down...

Michael tiptoed downstairs the other morning before we woke up to take a picture of his little friends....


1 comment:

Grandmajan said...

This interest in Ants may be genetic. One of my favorite pictures of Matt (age one)was taken while he lay on the ground watching ants. He was 'meowing' to communicate - his first animal sound.

Andy did not have good experiences with insects. Wasps flew up his pants legs when he was in grade school. We had to strip his jeans off to get the wasps off him. They can sting more than once.

Bees stung him again when we went to see a fountain. We had to make a mad dash to a nearby drug store to get medicine to relieve the pain. Ouch.