It has been almost a month and a half since Michael started kindergarden. I am overwhelmed at how fast the time is flying by! That first day he was so excited. He picked out his coolest baseball shirt (influenced by his cousin Joey's love of the game) several days in advance. He woke up insanely early to ask if it was time to get ready yet...he goes to AFTERNOON kindergarden. He kept telling me all the new wonderful things he was going to learn. "Mommy, my teacher is going to teach us about spiders! I think we will learn how to build robots out of metal!"
When I finally told him it was time to go he impatiently posed for a picture before racing to the van.
I was trying not to feel sad or sappy, but the closer we got the tighter my stomach felt. This was it, I was surrendering my innocent child up to the influences of the big bad world..(*ahem* I was a little over dramatic.) What if he got scared, or someone picked on him, or told him where babies REALLY come from? A few deep breaths later we arrived. Michael gave me a quick kiss and took off for the playground to make new friends.
Okay, this wasn't so bad. He had found a nice little boy to play with and I wasn't feeling sick anymore....THEN the bell rang...Kids were running in all directions. The kindergardeners were herded into a line by the door and told to wait for thier teacher to lead them in.
Michael stood there chewing on his backpack cords and looking at me with sad eyes. GULP!!
As the class filed in, Michael panicked and grabbed his teacher's sleeve. "I forgot to tell my mom something!" Mrs. Lund smiled and walked him over to me.
"Mommy, I love you." with tears rolling down his cheeks. He latched on to my leg and I ended up dragging him to class and leaving him in his teacher's arms crying "Mommy!" as I raced for the car.
3 hours of guilt and nausea later I picked up a very happy VERY talkative little boy. "...and we have our own cubbies, and we sang songs, and there is this boy that likes Wolverine..."
They grow up so fast!!!